Sunday, February 8, 2009


That was a good question Kat, so I decided to answer it for everyone. Celeste played "Jo" in the play.
The sad thing is...Celeste's real father died during rehersals. This made the cast get really close though. There were a couple of situations that were hard.
Alexis didn't want to tell her to let her go and let her die.
The aunt didn't want to say the line, "You're what happens when a girl has no father."
Alexis would come home from rehersals and just cry. She said it was very emotional. But she was really glad that she was able to be a support to Celeste during this hard time.
It has been a great experience for all of these kids to work through this together.
The cast came over here last night--to celebrate. It was their last performance--they are a great bunch of kids and VERY talented.


Whitney said...

They did do a great job. I had forgotten the line about not having a father! You need to tell your "readers" about Celeste's adorable brother!! What an experience for the cast and the families.

dhillman said...

wow, that would have been hard. it probably made that difficult time more bearable.