Thursday, October 7, 2010

Chalk this up as a bad week.

Wow! This has been a bad week. I have been SO grouchy.
This has been my favorite phrase for the past two days..."I'm living the same day over and over."
Why do you ask?
I have to fight with my kids to get them to bed, fight with them to get up for scrpitures, nag them to get ready, remind them about what time it is so they are not late for school. Referee, referee, referee...that is definitely the worst hat that I wear! Ugh! The fighting--it's going to kill me! nag, Nag, NAG.
I finally wake up today feeling hopeful and happy and Chris starts in where I left off. My poor kids, they probably want to live somewhere else this week.

The adversary is working overtime over here. But we will be victorious!!!!!

p.s. I'm thinking about going private...I have a few followers that I don't know, and that freaks me out a little bit.


D'Ann said...

I can understand. We all had an emotional week last week and I think there are some left over emotions that have filtered into this week. Not to mention all of the driving that your family did and the lack of sleep. That's enough to put parents and kids on the edge. Hang in there! This too shall pass! I love you!!

The Tryons said...

I hope this next week is a much better one for you! You definitely deserve it. <3

dhillman said...

We all have those kinds of days and weeks--so I know how you feel and I am sorry that you were feeling that way. It is so frustrating cuz you don't want to have that kind of stuff going on.
I totatlly agree with D'Ann-I was going to say the same thing. You guys have had a lot going on, so the hope is that it will only get better!

Sorena said...

Thanks everyone. You really did make me feel better. I took myself on a walk yesterday and gave myself a scolding then a pep talk.

I guess I did forget to mention the funeral in the blog.

I love you all!!!!